Semester - I
The objective of this paper is to familiarize the students with basic management concept and behavioral processes in the organization.
Course Concepts:-
Evolution of management though. Systems and contingency approach for understanding organization, managerial process, functions. Skills and roles in an organization sector Responsibility of Business; Understanding and managing individual behavior – personality, perceptions Values, Attitudes, Learning work motivation, individual decision making and problem solving; understanding and managing groups processes- Interpersonal and group dynamics applications of emotional intelligence in organizations communication, group decision making, Leadership and influence process, Understanding and managing organization system – Organizational design and stricture, Work stress.
Suggested Readings,
1 Kong, H, and weacinuch, H Management 10th ed new York, McGraw Hill, 1955
2 Luthans, F Organizational Behavior, 7th ed, New York, McGraw Hill 1995
3 Robbins, S,P, Management, 5th ed, New jersey, Englewood Cliffs, prentice Hall Inc, 1996
4 Robbing, S.P. organizational Behavior, 7th ed, New Delhi, Prentice hall of India, 1996
5 Singh, Dalip Emotional intelligence at work, response Books. Sage Publications. Delhi, 2001.
6 Stew, B, M Psychological Dimensions of organizational Behavior, 2nd Ed, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, prentice Hall Inc. 1995.
7 Stoner, J, etc. management 6th Ed, New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India, 1996
The list of cases and specifics references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
The objectives of the course is to make the students familiars with some basic statistical and linear programming techniques The main focus, however, is in their applications in business decision making .
Course Contents:-
Mathematical basic if managerial decision: Functions Applications of function –some special Functions AP &G.P. and their managerial application, matrices Markov Chains and their applications: Frequency Distribution and their Analysis: probability Theory and probability Distributions Binomial. Poisson, Normal and Exponential: Correlation and Regression Analysis; time Series analysis and forecasting; linear programming – basic concept Model Formulation, solution Methods, Duality; Introduction to some basic Quantitative Methods Packages.
Suggested Readings.
1) Chandra N.K statistics for Behavioral and Social Scientists, Reliance, Publishing House Delhi, 1996.
2) Gupta, S.P. and Gupta M.P. Business Statistics new Delhi Sultan Chand.1997
3) Kazmier, L.J. and pail. N.F, Basic Statistics, for business and Economics. New York, MC Grew Hill. 1988.
4) Levin Riched I and Rubin David S, Statistics for Management. New Jersey, Prentice Hall inc. 1995.
5) Narag, A.S. Linear programming and Decision Making, new Delhi, Sultan Chand;1995
6) Sharma, J.K. fundamentals of operations Research. Macmillan. New Delhi-2001.
7) Terry, Silence, Business statistics by Examples. London, college Mac moll an publishers, 1990.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course
The objective of this course is to acquaint the participation with concepts and techniques used in Micro – Economics Theory and to enable them to apply this knowledge in business decision- making. Emphasis is given to change in the nature of business firms in the contexts of globalization.
Course Contents:-
Concepts and Techniques – Nature of business decision making marginal analysis, optimization; theory of Demand functions, income and substitution effects, revealed preference approach and demand forecasts; production and cost- returns to scale, cost curves, break – even analysis; theory of firm-profit maximization, sales maximization, organizational slack, ownership and control; market Structure competition, monopoly, oligopoly non-price competition macro Economics Aggregates and Concepts GNP and GDP- Aggregate Consumption Gross Domestic Savings Gross Domestic Capital Formation WPL. CPL and Inflation Employment balance of Payments – money Supply and Monetary Policy – fiscal policy, Concepts and Measurement of National. Income; Determination of National Income Consumption Functions. Fiscal impact and investment. Synthesis of Monetary and Real Factors.
Suggested Readings:-
1) Adhikary, M Business Economics, New Delhi, Excel Books,2000.
2) Buamol, W.J Economics Theory and Operations Analysis 3rd Ed, New Delhi, prentice Hall Inc, 1996.
3) Chopra, O.P. Management Economics. New Delhi Tata McGraw Hill 1995.
4) Keat, Paul G, & Philips K.Y. Yong, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1996.
5) Koutsoyinannis, A. Modern Micro Economics. New York, Macmillan. 1991.
6) Milgrom, P. and Robers J, Economics Organization and Management. Englewood Cliffs. New Jersey. Prentice Hall inc. 1992
The list of cases and specific references including recent arucles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
Course Contents:-
Environment Management; Fundamental – sustainable Development, imp canons of human population growths Limits to growth, Environment and Business Schools. Energy Management. Fundamentals – Fossil Fuels use. Energy production and trade, Energy balance; Ecosystem Concepts; Basic Concepts and their application in Business, Industrial Ecology and Recycling. Environment Management System EMS. Standards. ISQ 14000 Environment Auditing. Clearance / Permissions for establishing industry; Environmental Management and valuation. Environmental Accounting, Economics. Environmental Taxes shifts. Green funding. Corporate Mergers. Environmental Ethics. Debts and Environment. GATT/ WTO provisions, Environmental Laws; Acts. Patents, IPRS, Role of NGO’S. PIL; Pollution and waste Management – Air water land pollution, Trade in wasters; water, forest &Biodiversity Management; water Resources, Dams and their role. Forest products and Trade, Role of biodiversity in International trade; Approaches to corporate Ethics; Bio-ethics.
Suggested Readings.
1) Uberoi, N, K; Environmental Management, Excel Books, A-45, Narain Phase-1, New Delhi. 2000.
2) Pandy, G,N; Environmental ; Management, Vikas publishing House New Delhi.1997
3) Gupta N. Dass ; environmental Accounting wheeler Publishing 19, K,G. Marg, New Delhi. 1997
4) Mahanty. S, k environment & Pollution law manual Universal law publishing G.T Karnal Road. New Delhi.1996.
5) Harley. Nick; environmental Economics Macmillan India ltd. Ansari Road new Delhi. 1997.
6) Kolstad. Charles D, Environmental Economics Oxford University Press.2000.
The list of cases and specific reference including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
Objectives :-
The course is aimed at equipping the students with the necessary & technique and skills of communication to inform others inspire them and enlist their activity and willing cooperation in the performance of their jobs.
Course Concepts:-
Important and nature or business communication ; Effective Communication skill; process of communication ; Barriers and gateways in communication; dos and don’ts of Business writing : Commercial letters: Writing Business reports Oral Communication – presentation of reports public speaking, and negotiations: legal aspects of Business communication,
Suggested Reading:-
1) Bowman Joel P and Branchaw. Bernadine P. Business Communication form Process to product 1987 Dryden Press. Chicagn.
2) Hatch Richard Communication in Business 1977 Selence Research Association Chicago.
3) Murphy. Herta A and Peck. Charles E Effective Business Communication. 2nd Ed.1976 Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.
4) Pearce C. Glenn etc. Business communication Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. 1988. John Wiley. New York.
5) Terence, Maria, successful Business Communication 3rd Ed, 1987. Allyn and Boston.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
Course contents:-
Model of management in the Indian Socio-Political Environment; Work Ethos; Indian Heritage in Production and Consumption; Indian insight into TOM; problem Relating to Stress in Corporate Management – Indian Perspective Teaching Ethics ; Trans – cultural Human Values in Management Education ; Relevance of Values in Management ;Need for values in Global Change – Indian Perspective ; Values for managers ; Holistic Approach for Managers in Decision Making ; Secular Versus Spiritual Values in Management; Personal Growth and Lessons from Ancient Indian Educational System; Science and Human Values.
Suggested Reading.
1 chakraborty, S.K Foundation of Managerial work- Contribution from Indian Thought. Himalaya Publishing House Delhi 1998.
2 ------------ ; Management Effectiveness and Quahn of Work –life – Indian insight. Tata McGraw. Hill Publishing Company new Delhi1987.
3 --------------------; management by values. Oxford University press 1991.
4 Ducker, p. management in turbulent times. Pan books London 1983.
5 Kumar, s and n.k. uteri: managing secularism in the new millennium. Excel books 2000.
6 Griffiths, b. the marriage of east and west, culling, London 1985.
7 Gandi, m.k. the story of my experiment with truth, nayvjivan publishing house, Ahmadabad, 1972.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
The basic purpose of this course is to develop and insight of postulates, precooks and techniques of accounting and utilization of financial and accounting information for planning, decision –making and control.
Course contents:-
Financial accounting –concepts, importance and scope, generally accepted accounting principles, preparation of financial statements with special reference to analysis of a balance sheet and measurement of business income, inventory valuation and depreciation, financial statement analysis fund flow analysis. the statement of cash flows; management accounting –concept need importance and scope; cost accounting – record s and process ,cost ledger and control accounts , reconciliation and integration between financial and cost accounts; overheads cost and control, job and process casting budgets and budgetary control , performance budgeting , zero – base budgeting, relevant dusting and costing and costing for decision – making , standees costing and variance analysis , marginal costing and absorption costing .
Suggested readings:-
- Anthony r.n. and Reece j.s. accounting principles. 6th ed. Homewood, Illinois, Richard d. Irwin. , 1995.
- Bhattacharya s.k. and deaden j. Accounting for management text and cases New Delhi, vakas, 1996.
- Heliger i.e. and metallic, serge financial accounting, New York, McGraw hill, 1990.
- Hungarian, n.l.and ramanarhan, a.r.managment accounting 5th Ed, New Delhi, sultan chand, 1992.
- Hangmen, Charles etc. Principles of financial and management accounting Englewood cliffs. New Jersey, prentice hall inc. 1994.
- needles , beaver etc. financial and managerial accounting Boston, Houghton miffing company .1994
- Vij, madhu, financial and management accounting New Delhi, anmol publications, 1997.
The list of cases and specific references including recent arracks will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
Objectives :-
The object vie of this course include developing an appreciation of different software and hard ware system available in the industry among the participation and build up the experience of computer usage in business organizations with specific reference rot commercial data processing system.
Course contents:-
Computer an introduction – computer in business element of composted system set-up: Indian computing environment: components of a co-opted system; generation soft computer and computer language; personal computers in bus mess. Pc-software. Packages intro diction to disk operation system and windows. Text processing software introduction to spreadsheet software; creations of spreadsheet application range. Formulas, findings data vase function s in spreadsheet graphics on spreadsheets. Modes of data files- types’ organization; master & tasters and integration of applications of data base management systems and integration of application; basics of data processing data feeding; & data file structures.
Application portfolio Development Introduction to a Micro Data Base Manager program Development Cycle; Flow charting; Input-0process-output Analysis ; Report Generation & Label Generation; Programming concepts; Use of Files in programming presentation Graphics- creating a presentation on a PC, Data Communications; networking-LAN & WANs. Management of Data processing systems in Business organizations.
Suggested Readings:-
1 Burch, John and grudnitski Gary, information systems theory and practice 5th ed., New York, Jhohn Wiley, 89
2 David, van over, foundations of Business systems. Fort Worth, Dryden 1992.
3 Elias on A. L, on-line businesses computer Application 2nd ed. Chicago, science Research Associates, 1987.
4 Estrada, Susan connection to the Interned, Sebastopol, C .A. O’reilly, 1993
5 John, moss Junes Automating Managers; the implication of information Technology for managers London, Pinter, 1990.
6 Long, L. computers, Englewood cliffs, New Jersey, prentice Hall inc. 1986.
7 Summer M. Computer’s concepts and Uses 2nd ed. Englewood c tiffs, New Jersey, prentice Hall Inc .1988.
The list of cases and specific references including recent Articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
Semester – II
CP-201: Organization Effectiveness and Change Objective
To familiarize the students with basic organizational process to bring about Organizational effectiveness and change.
Course Contents:-
An overviews of concepts of organizational change Effectiveness and development; skills of change agent; Organizational climate and culture; power and politics; the Process of empowerment, organizational learning; Creativity and innovation; conflicts and negotiation inter Group behavior and collaboration; business ethics and Corporate governance; management of gender issues; Cross – cultural dynamics.
Suggested Readings:-
1. Anderson, A.H. and Barker D. effective enterprise and Change Management, Oxford, Blackwell Publishers ltd 1996.
2. French. W.E. and bell, C.H. Organization Development, New Delhi. Prentice-Hall of India, 1995.
3. Kao. S, R etc. effective organization and social
4. Headwall, P.N. Organization. Design for excellence, New Delhi, Tata McGraw hill, 1992.
5. Lufthansa, F. organizational Behavior 7th Ed. New York, McGraw hill 1995.
6. Mendonca, m and kanungo R.N. work motivation, New Delhi sage, 1994.
7. Robbins, s, p Organizational Behavior 7th Ed, New Delhi, prentice Hall of India, 1996.
The list of cases and specific references including recent Articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
CP - 202: Management Science
The objective of this course is to develop an understanding of basic management science techniques and their role in Managerial decision – making.
Course Contents:-
Management Science – basic Concepts and its role in decision Making; sensitivity Analysis; integer programming branch And bound algorithm; Transportation and assignment models Including trans – shipment and routing problems; queuing Theory; Inventory management techniques; PERT \ CPM; Decision theory and decision trees; game theory; goal Programming, simulation.
Suggested Readings:-
1 Budnik frank s, Dennis Maleavey, Richard Mojena Principles of operations Research 2nd
2 Ed. Richard lrwin, lllinois-All India Traveler Bookseller, New Delhi, 1995.
3 Gould, F.J. etc. introduction to Management Science, Englewood cliffs, new Jersey, prentice Hall Inc, 1993
4 Mathur K. and solow D, management science, Englewood cliffs, New jersey, prentice Hall Inc 1994
5 Narag A.S. linear programming and Decision Making New Delhi, Sultan chand, 1995.
6 Sharma J. K. Operations Research: Theory and Applications, New Delhi, Macmillan India Ltd, 1997.
7 Taha H. A., Operations Research-An Introduction, New York Mc-Millan, 1989.
8 Theirouf R.J. and klekamp, R. C Decision making through operations Research New York, John Wiley, 1989.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
In a complex world of industry and business organizational Efficiency is largely dependents on the contribution made the members of the organization. The Objectives of this curse is to sensitize students to the various facets of managing people and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.
Course contents:-
Concepts and Perspectives on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Management in a changing Environment; Corporate objectives and Human resource planning; career and succession planning job analysis and Role Description methods of manpower search; Attracting and selecting human resources; Induction and Socialization; manpower Training and Developments, performance Appraisal and potential Evaluation; job Evaluation& Wage Determination; Employee welfare; industrial Relations & Trade Unions; dispute resolution & Grievance management, Employee Empowerment.
Suggested Readings:-
1 Aswathappa K. human resources and personnel Management Tata McGraw hill New Delhi, 1997.
2 De cenzo d. A. & robins S.P. Human resource Management, 5th Ed, New York john Wiley, 1994.
3 Guy, v Mattock J. The new international manager. London, kogan page, 1993.
4 Holloway, Jed. Performance Measurement and Evaluation, New Delhi, sage, 1995.
5 Monapa, A & Saiyadain M. Personnel management 2nd Ed. New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill, 1966.
6 Stone Lloyed and Leslie W Rue, Human Resource & Personnel Management Richard Dirking, Illinois 1984.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
The Purpose of the course is to acquaint the student with the board frameworks of financial decision- making in a business unit
Course contents:-
Aims and Objectives of financial managements; Financial Analysis and control ,cost Volume - profit analysis; Operating and financial ,leverage ; Time value of money; Investment and Capital Structure Decisions ; instruments of Long Term Finance; cost of different Sources of Raising Capital ; Weighted Average cost of capital ; optimum capital Structure; valuation and Rates of Return ; Methods of capital Budgeting ; short term Financing investments ; Management of working capital –cash Receivable and Inventory Management, internal Financing and Dividend policy Financial Modeling.
Suggested Reading:-
1. Archare, Stephen H. etc. Financial Management, New York, John Wiley 1990.
2. Bhalla, V.K Financial management and policy 2nd Ed New Delhi, Anmol, 1998.
3. Brealey, Richard A and Myers Stewart C principles of Corporate finance 5th Ed. New Delhi, McGraw Hill,1996
4. Hampton, John, financial Decision Making, Englewood Ciffs. New Jersey, prentice Hall inc.1997.
5. Van Home, Jame C financial management and policy, 10th Ed New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India 1997.
6. Winger, Bernard and Moha, Bancy, principles of Financial management, New York, Macmillan publishing company, 1991.
The list of cases and specific references including recent Articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of course.
The purpose of this course is to develop and understanding of the underlying concepts, strategies and issues involved in the marketing of products and services.
Course contents:-
Nature and scope of marketing, corporate orientations to wards the marketplace. The marketing environment and Environment Scanning, Marketing information system and Marketing Research, Understanding consumer and Industrial markets, Market segmentation, Targeting and positioning; Product Decision-product mix, product life cycle, new product Development, branding and packaging decisions, printing Methods and strategies, promotion, publicity and personal selling; Advertising, sales promotion-selection co-operation and conflict Management in the organization; Evaluation and control of Marketing efforts; new issues in marketing –globalization Consumerism, green marketing, legal issues.
Suggested Readings:-
- Ennis, B.M. marketing classics: A selection of Influential articles, New York McGraw hill 1991.
- Cutler, Philip and Armstrong, G. principles of Marketing, New Delhi, Prentice hall of India, 1997.
- Cutler, Philip marketing management analysis Planning implementation and control, New Delhi Prentice hill of India 1994.
- Ramaaswamy, V.S. and Namkumari, s. marketing Management: planning control, New Delhi Macmillan 1990.
- Station William, J. Fundamentals of marketing, New York, McGraw Hill 1994.
- Nelamegham, s. Marketing In India: Cases and Reading, New Delhi, Vikas, 1988.
The list of cases and specific reference including recent Articles will announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
The Course is designed to acquaint the student with decision Making in: Planning scheduling and control of Production and Operation functions in both manufacturing and service; Productivity improvement in operations through layout Engineering and quality management etc. Effective and Efficient flows, replenishment and control of material with reference to both manufacturing and services organizations.
Course Contents:-
Nature and Scope of Production and Operation Management, Facility location; Types of manufacturing Systems & layouts, Layout Planning and Analysis; Material Handling –Principles
Equipments, Line Balancing – problems; Operations; Decisions-production Planning and Control-In Mass Production –In Batch/job Order Manufacturing; Capacity Planning – Models; Process Planning –Aggregate Planning Scheduling –Maintains Management Concepts-Work Study, method Study, Work Measurement, Work Sampling,
Work environment–Industrial safety; Materials Management; An Overview of Materials Management, Material planning and inventory control; JIT; Materials planning budgeting and Material require planning; purchase Management stores manage; Quality Assurance Acceptance sampling statistical process control total Quality Management; ISO-9000; Maintenance Management; safety Management.
Suggested Readings:-
- Adam, E.E & Ebert, RJ.; production and operations management 6th ed., New Delhi, prentice hall of India,1995.
- A marine Harold T etc manufacturing organization and management ,Englewood cliffs New jersey prentice hall inc., 1987.
- Buff E.S modern production management, York john Wiley, 1987
- Chary, S.N. production operations management New Delhi Tata Mc-Grew hill, 1989.
- Doublers Donald W and Lee Lamar. Purchasing and Materials management, New York, McGraw Hill, 1984.
- Dilworth James B. Operations Management; Design planning and control of manufacturing & service - Singapore McGraw Hill, 1992.
- Moore, FG and Hedrick T. Eproduction operations management, Homewood, Illinois, Richard D Irwin 1992.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching.
To equip the student with the basic understanding of the research methodology and to provide an insight into the Application of modern analytical tools and techniques for the purpose of management decision making.
Course Contents:-
Nature and scope of Research mythology; problem formulation and statement of Research Objectives; value and Cost of information –Bayesian Decision Theory; organization structure of Research ; Research process; Research designs ;Exploratory Descriptive and experimental Research Designs; methods of data collection –observational and Survey methods; Questionnaire Design; Attitude measurement Techniques; Motivational Research Techniques Administration of surveys; sample design; Selecting an Appropriate Statistical Technique; Field Work and Tabulation of Data; Analysis of data; use of SPSS and other statistical software packages ; Advanced Technique for data analysis – ANOVA Discriminate analysis, factor analysis, conjoint analysis multidimensional Scaling and Clustering Methods; research application
Suggested: Readings:-
1. Andrews, F.M. and S.B. Withy Social Indicators of well Being Press, NY, 1976
2. Bennet, Roger; Management Research, H.O., 1983.
3. Fowler, Floyed J. Jr. Survey Methods, 2nd Ed, Sage pub, 1993.
4. Fox J.A. and P.E. Tracy Randomized Response: A method of Sensitive Sage pub, 1986.
5. Gupta S.P. Statistical Methods, 30th Ed, Sultan Chand, New Delhi, 2001.
6. Golden, Biddle, Koren and Karen D Locke: Composing Qualitative Research, Sage pub, 1997.
7. Salkind, Neil J., Exploring Research, 3rd Ed, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1997.
The list of cases and specific reference including recent articles will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
The primary Objective of this course is to acquaint the students to emerging global trends in business environment.
Course contents:-
International Business: An overview- Types of international Business. The External; Environment; The economic and political Environment, The Human Cultural Environment; influence on Trade and investment Patterns; Recent Word Trade and Foreign Investment Trends ; Balance of payments Accounts and Macroeconomic Management,; Theories and Institutions :: Trade and Investment- Government Influence on Trade Investment : Determination of Trading Partner’s independence, interdependence and Dependence ; world Financial environment ;
Cross- national Co-operation and Agreements; Tariff and Non- Tariff Banners, WTO, Regional Blocks; International production; Internationalizations of service Firms; Operation Management in International Firms ; World Financial Environment ; Foreign Exchange Rates ; Euro- currency Market ; Offshore Financial Centers ; International Banks ; Non-Banking Financial Service Firms ; Stock Markets ; Global Competitiveness ; Export management ; Licensing ; Joint Ventures Technology and Global Competition ; Globalization and Human Resource Development; Globalization with Social Responsibility; World Economic Growth and the Environment,; Country Evaluation and selection ; International Business Diplomacy : Negotiating an International Business, Issues in Asset Protection ; Multilateral Settlement ; Consortium Approaches External relations Approach.
Suggested Reading:-
Allworth, Julian S. The Finance, Investment and Taxation Decisions of Multinationals, London, Basil Blackwell 1988.
- Bhalla, V.K. and S. Sherman International Business Environment and Business. New Delhi, Anmol, 1995.
- Bhalla, V.K. International Economy: Liberalization process. New Delhi, Anmol, 1993
- Daniel, John D. and Redding, Lee H. International Business, 5th Ed, New York, Addison Wesley, 1989.
- Eastman, D.K. and Stoneville, Al. Multinational Business Finance. New York, Macmillan, 1983.
- Parks, Yoon and Zwick, Jack International Banking in Theory and The practice New York, Addison – Wesley, 1985.
The list of cases and specific references including recent articles and reports will be announced in the class at the time of launching of the course.
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